Wednesday, January 27, 2010

dunno how many hours i've slept
and i still wanna sleep more
revision incomplete
stories, exercises and response papers undone
kanbun not looked at since monday

i keep reminding myself that i'm an exchange student and should be having fun instead of worrying so much about school work
yet, i'm not doing anything constructive

what am i doing to do next sem and next year

being a pile of emo shit now

Monday, January 25, 2010

and it's Bvlgari

Saturday, January 23, 2010

I'm not a morning person.
I've tried, on two separate days in a week, to wake up earlier in the morning to do homework, write essay or whatever, and both occasions, they failed. Miserably.
I can't remember the first one, but the second one just happened yesterday. I tried to start on my anthropology essay on Thursday night but was so friggin' tired because you know, a typical Thursday and the marathon classes killed me so I decided I was gonna wake up at 3am to rush everything out. And yes you guess it, I heard the alarm, turned it off and decided to snooze for another 15 minutes or not. The next thing I knew, sunlight was already streaming in through the curtains and I was like, fuck. Got up to check the clock and it was already 7.15am. Brilliant, because I had a 11am class too, and I hadn't showered the previous night. Yes I know, smelly and unhygyienic, but I was counting on that morning and everything went out of plan. So I quickly sat down without washing up or anything and started typing away. Typed and typed. Planned to shower and get ready for school but thought like, fuck it, I could sacrifice one class to write an essay much was it worth again? Can't remember but since it was a final research paper, I'm sure it's worth alot. Regardless, I just typed and thought like, I needed 10 pages, double-spaced so that meant I needed only around 5. And fuck it, as usual for the past several years in my scholastic life, I overshot and typed nearly 10 pages without any spacing, including bibliography. I'd never learn, and come to think of it, I'm not sure whether it even answered the topic. I was just happy to finish it. Then went to the school lab (fuck that's why I wished I had a printer here and uni was only 5 minutes away; miss Melbourne in that aspect argh) and edited the essay, printed it out and went for class. Submitted it and didn't want to bother listening in class anymore. Glad the teacher ended early and I was sooo relaxed. For that night.

Doing the Japanese report now. On television and culture in Japan. In Japanese language. Not so bad because I don't have to think too deep about what I'm writing. Intermediate level, I'm sure my teacher(s) don't expect deep or cheem stuff from us. And it's only 2 friggin' pages! Albeit the absence of double-space but c'mon!

Almost done with it and submission is on Monday. Have to go to school to print it again. Yay. And revision sheets to do for Monday's class, editing the story for Creative Writing and fortunately or not, I already wrote an answer on the whiteboard on Thursday's kanbun class so that dramatically decreases the chances of having to write it again on Monday. Need to revise all the kanji for Tuesday's examination and then revising grammar and vocabulary for Thursday's examination. I want to get an A for Japanese damnit. The rest, I just wanna pass now. Kanbun the following Monday and the writing folio on Tuesday. Need to churn out a bunch of writing exercises and nonsense fragments, editing of the two other stories and I'd be done for that. Please Bob, don't fail me ):

And it'd time for the HKD trip and then the time for my dorm buddies to return home ):

I'm really glad though. Reflecting on this whole semester being in Japan, I do feel like my mindset has changed alot, and I've learned plenty of new things. I haven't seen my family since September, and I think it has been the longest ever, since my parents have visited Melbourne and my brother was there. Times have changed. My father is busier with work than ever, my brother has already embarked on his work journey and my mother, well, has learned to be more tech-savvy I suppose, which is a good thing in most ways.

Some things are just overrated, and you just need to learn to let go sometimes.

'kay back to finishing my report.