Tuesday, June 1, 2010

two months in, and it's already June

Hello again!
It has been two months since I last blogged, and it seemed appropriate to jot something down here before abandoning it again for the next two months. Well, in the next two months, I would be in a different country and this blog would be rendered pretty much useless.

So within the two months of the spring semester, I knew I have gotten myself into deep scholastic shit. Little point of elaborating here, since the ones I've told are the ones whom I wanted to know. So thanks, for listening patiently and cheering me up. You're the best.

Individually, my life in DK itself hasn't changed much. I still keep myself to my room alot. 一番好きな場所だから。I avoid the kitchen plainly 'cause of the smell it gets onto my clothes. However, with the new group of students here, it has become more exciting with new friends mad and more gatherings and outings. Of course, that also means spending more money ): Well, in the land of Japan, that can't be helped.

I applied to take the new JLPT N2 in July, which is about a month away, and hopefully I'd be able to pass this time. That means I need to be better prepared. And that means I have to improve my reading and listening. Knowing Chinese is a double-edged sword honestly. I can't remember how many times I've accidentally written a kanji in simplified Chinese, but not knowing how to read but understanding the meaning has helped in understanding certain phrases. Oh yes Japanese 4 has been a pain in the butt. My goal was to achieve an A in this module, but after this morning's disastrous mid-term examination, I'd consider myself lucky to get a B now.

Oh, for those who are unaware, I got myself a new laptop, a brilliant blue Sony Vaio, because my Dell decided to go bust on me on a Sunday afternoon. If only the school computer lab was opposite my home, I wouldn't have decided to get a new one so easily. Alas, having to travel an hour odd to school would be silly, not to mention it's not even a 24-hour lab, it doesn't seem worth the time and effort. Anyway I'm very happy with my new blue cool, albeit everything is in Japanese. Thanks to my brother's spec recommendations as well, if not I wouldn't have known what to ask the staff in the electronics store. Windows 7 looks pretty awesome and I'm loving the download speed in Japan. (:

In case I haven't written this down in the previous entry (I don't proof-read what I write in my blog you see), the subjects I'm taking this semester are,
Japanese 4
Nature, Culture and Technology (Cultural Studies)
Christianity and Japanese Culture (History, although it's really Theology)
Topics in Performing Arts (Creative Writing), my favourite subject just 'cause

By the way, Rui Xi, you're too cute tonight ;)


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